Mastering TCM Diagnosis: From Theory to Practice MASTERCLASS

Are you struggling with your TCM diagnosis? You are not alone!

Having the RIGHT diagnosis is key to selecting the perfect acupuncture points for your patients.

Yet it's the hardest part of Chinese medicine!

➡️ YES, I want the Masterclass now!

 There is no WRONG treatment in TCM only the WRONG diagnosis!

Let me show you how to bridge the gap from theory to practice with this on-demand 90-minute masterclass!

What you get when you invest in the Mastering TCM Diagnosis: From Theory to Practice Masterclass 💻

- Easily apply Differential Diagnosis in TCM

- Learn the 9-Step Framework for TCM Diagnosis

- Avoid TCM diagnosis common mistakes

- Understanding the root causes in order to make a better diagnosis.

- Differentiating patterns of diagnosis and symptoms

- Practice with case studies

- Lifetime access to recording

- After watching this class, you'll be able to write a short quiz, and earn 1.5 continuing education hours.

➡️ Give me access now for only $47 USD

This 90-minute on-demand masterclass is designed to help you bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application of TCM diagnosis techniques.

This masterclass will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to take theory into practice and effectively use diagnosis in clinic.

With over 21 years of experience in my practice, I have treated countless patients. Diagnosis has been key in helping me effectively selecting the perfect acupuncture points for my patients.

Since 2008, I've been teaching acupuncture to students and practitioners. Diagnosis is the most common area students and practitioners struggle with. Let's change that, together!

Look what other TCM Rock Stars who have attended this seminar, say about Clara's teaching ⬇️

"I love your TCM Diagnosis Made Easy Masterclass! Thank you for creating it.
Such an abundance of valuable, clarifying knowledge
🌹💕" - Kamila

Look what other TCM Rock Stars say about Clara's teaching ⬇️

"Some professors and even the school president listened in and were thoroughly impressed with the information you provided."

 "I got so much out of your 45-minute presentation. Thank you for sharing your experience and expertise with us. It was a pleasure."

 "Attending Clara's seminar was one of the best career decisions I've ever made! It enriched my clinical experience and treatment outcome as well!"

 "There are no words to express the exceptional hard work being put into this seminar. It was amazing the way Clara interacted with us, making learning so interesting." 

"To me, you are one of the BEST professors! We are so fortunate to have you to help us."

 "I have to say I think you may be the best teacher I've ever had. May I call you that?? Haha"

"Thank you so much for being such a wonderful teacher! Your teaching style is unique, fun, and definitely easy to understand."

Who is this Masterclass for?

  • Practitioners who want to improve their diagnosis for better points selections & patient outcomes. 
  • Acupuncture students who feel they need to understand TCM diagnosis, patterns, and differentiating symptoms, to start practicing confidently in the real world!
  • This is NOT for the general public. 

 You are one click away from securing access to Mastering TCM Diagnosis: From Theory to Practice and equipping yourself with improved diagnosis skills!

➡️ I want the Masterclass now for ONLY $47 USD (click here)

Become a Rock Star in TCM Diagnosis by attending this exclusive Masterclass!

If you haven't seen any of my Instagram or Facebook posts, TCM YouTube videos, or watched any of my FREE courses yet, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Clara Cohen and my passion is helping dedicated practitioners like you, change the world one patient at a time. I’ve been teaching TCM to acupuncture students & practitioners since 2008. I love to get my students engaged and tell them compelling stories, to help them understand the power of Chinese medicine. My goal is to share my passion for TCM, and empower every practitioner to achieve superior patient care, while having fun!

Clara Cohen
TCM Geek, L.Ac. & AcuPro Academy Founder

If you have questions, please email me at [email protected]